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Category : Travel Photography

08 Sep 2016

中国的黑与白 • China in Black & White

I’ve stumbled upon some inspirational black and white architectural and portrait photos from an eclectic mix of photographers. I have a huge archive of architectural and landscape photos and I’ve decided to re-edit some selected images that were suitable for this series and publish a series of entirely black and white photos about Chinese landscapes and the urban jungle of Shanghai. This series encompasses landscape photography as well as tapping into the world of photo retouching mastery. 我曾经看到一些由多元化摄影师拍摄的令人鼓舞人心的黑白建筑以及人像照片。我存有很多建筑和风景照片,我决定选定一些照片来重新编辑以适合这一黑白系列主题,并发表了一系列关于中国景观和上海都市的黑白照片。该系列包括风光摄影以及照片的后期制作。 初期 • The Early […]

17 Oct 2012


We embarked on a journey into the far west of the Chinese territory, to be exact into the Western provinces of Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan. The majority of the inhabitants are Tibetans, the soil of the western China is rather infertile and economics still very poor. Yet the landscape offers fascinating and breathtaking photographic views that left memorable experiences. The average elevation is about 8000 feet and the highest we climbed up to was around 15000 feet where it caught […]